Frattarola et al v. Prosegur Security USA Inc.

STATUS: Active

On January 6, 2023, Outten & Golden filed a class and collective action lawsuit against Prosegur Security USA Inc. in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.  The Named Plaintiffs are two individuals who worked for Prosegur as Security Officers.  The lawsuit alleges that Prosegur failed to pay Security Officers on a weekly basis, as required by the New York Labor Law.  The lawsuit also alleges that Prosegur failed to pay Security Officers for overtime and off-the-clock work, and failed to pay accrued paid time off benefits, in violation of New York State and Federal law. You can view the complaint here.

If you worked for Prosegur as a Security Officer in New York, we encourage you to contact us to review your rights in this case.

(*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)

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