Ground Zero

STATUS: Resolved

On September 12, 2007, Outten & Golden filed a class action lawsuit against a group of companies that relied on thousands of low-wage workers to clean World Trade Center-area buildings after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Nine named plaintiffs sought to recover unpaid overtime pay and other wages allegedly earned by workers who risked their health and safety to perform heavy cleaning work in offices, stores, hospitals, churches, apartments, and other public and private buildings near Ground Zero.

According to the Complaint filed in New York state court, “Defendants profited handsomely from these clean-up jobs. Despite their new profits and cash surpluses, Defendants failed at one of their most basic obligations – to pay their workers properly.” The Complaint further alleges that some of the Defendants “subcontracted” Ground Zero clean-up work to smaller companies, intending to hide behind the smaller companies if the workers attempted to enforce their legal rights. The case is “Lucelly Gil, et al., v. Maxons Restorations, Inc., et al.” (Index No. 07603048).

Plaintiffs achieved a settlement resulting in hundreds of workers receiving notice about the lawsuit and an opportunity to join and collect unpaid wages. On May 10, 2012, the Court granted final approval of the settlement.

Please email Ossai Miazad or Justin M. Swartz or call 212-207-0043 for more information.

(*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)


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