Penthouse Executive Club

STATUS: Resolved

On February 11, 2010, Outten & Golden LLP and the Sex Workers Project of the Urban Justice Center filed a class action lawsuit against the Penthouse Executive Club and its owners Robert Gans and Mark Yackow on behalf of entertainers (dancers) who have worked at the club between February 11, 2006 and the present.

The lawsuit alleged that the Penthouse Executive Club regularly deprived entertainers of their rights under federal and New York State wage and hour laws, including their right to be paid proper minimum wages, their right to be paid proper overtime compensation, their right to keep customer gratuities they earn, their right to be reimbursed for uniform expenses, and their right to work without paying “house fees.”

The lawsuit sought to recover on behalf of Penthouse Executive Club entertainers all of the wages they have earned, all of their confiscated tips, and all of the fees they were forced to pay, as federal and state law require.

The parties have amicably resolved this matter. For more information, please check the case’s docket, In re: Penthouse Executive Club Compensation Litigation, No. 10-cv-1145 (KMW), in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

(*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)


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