Sex-Based Discrimination

Defending Against Sex & Gender-Based Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination Should Never 
Be Ignored 

If you need legal help with your discrimination or harassment case, the attorneys at Outten & Golden are ready to assist you to attain the justice you deserve.

(*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)

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Case Background

Generally, discrimination means less favorable treatment because of a bias against someone. Sex & Gender based discrimination surrounds discrimination against someone specifically based on gender, sex, identity, or sexual orientation. Discrimination can take many forms and can negatively affect your hiring, conditions of employment, compensation, or prospects for promotion. It can even get you fired.

Harassment involves conduct by the employer, supervisor, or co-worker that includes unwelcome advances or other conduct that is so offensive, intimidating, or abusive that it changes your work environment or even affects your performance. We understand that harassment in the workplace can take many forms, and can dramatically harm your relationship with the employer, your opportunities for success at your job, and your emotional and physical well-being.

Outten & Golden’s attorneys represent employees who have suffered illegal discrimination and/or harassment in the workplace and are well-versed in federal, state, and local laws. We work with our clients to evaluate their discrimination and/or harassment claims and to identify and reach their goals in attaining justice for the wrong done to them.


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Recent Cases

Engine Salespeople Overtime Case
Case Number: 1:25-cv-00841 United States District Court, District of Colorado Email Contact: Outten & Golden LLP represents a group of former Sales Employees at HotelEngine, Inc., which is known simply as Engine, in a lawsuit alleging the company misclassified…
Pharmacann Class Settlement
YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND OPTIONS IN THIS SETTLEMENT: DO NOTHING If you do nothing, you will receive a payment from the Settlement and you will release the claims summarized in Paragraph 8. EXCLUDE YOURSELF If you wish to exclude yourself (“opt out”) from the Settlement, you must…
LinkSquares Inc. Overtime Case
Caicedo v. LinkSquares Inc., Case No. 24-12642 United States District Court, District of Massachusetts Filed: October 17, 2024 Outten & Golden LLP and Fair Work P.C. represent two former sales employees of LinkSquares, which sells legal and contract management software, in a proposed…

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