Do you spend your retail shift standing, arranging inventory, walking around the store, unpacking boxes, cleaning, arranging displays, or returning items from the fitting room? You likely should be paid weekly under NY law. Contact us to learn if you may be entitled to compensation.
(*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)
New York employers that pay their hourly employees every other week or twice a month may be violating the New York Labor Law. New York Labor Law 191 requires that manual workers be paid weekly. That means within seven days from the end of the week in which the wages were earned.
If you have questions or believe that you have been the victim of untimely wage payments contact us for a confidential review of your situation.
Outten & Golden attorneys fight to ensure that workers are paid all the compensation they have earned. We represent workers whose employers have violated federal and/or local laws governing minimum wage, overtime, and other kinds of compensation. We often represent groups of workers who have suffered the same type of wage theft by the same employer in class or collective actions.
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