OTG Minimum Wage Cases

Former Servers and Bartenders are Challenging Wage Violations

The class and collective action seeks to obtain unpaid wages and statutory penalties from OTG.

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Case Background

Filho et al. v. OTG Management, LLC is a representative action alleging that OTG Management, LLC (“OTG”) violated federal and state wage and hour laws, among others, by failing to pay its tipped employees, such as servers and bartenders, for all hours worked, including the potential failure to pay minimum wage for side work and off-the-clock work.  Through the lawsuit filed on September 5, 2019 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, the Plaintiffs seek to recover minimum wages, overtime compensation, misappropriated tips, and statutory penalties for Plaintiffs and their similarly situated co-workers– servers, bartenders, and other tipped workers who work or have worked at OTG Management nationwide.


On March 5, 2020, Plaintiffs asked the Court for authorization to send notice to the proposed collective of all current and former servers, bartenders, and tipped workers who were employed at restaurants and bars owned, operated, and/or controlled by OTG Management, LLC in airports nationwide between September 5, 2016 and the present.


Case Documents:

Filho et al. v. OTG Management, LLC Complaint

216b Motion


Legal Team:

Molly Brooks



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