Workplace Violence Against LGBTQ+ People

Sexual Harassment & Violence Against Individuals who Identify as LGBTQ+


The LGBTQ+ community faces a higher than average rate of discrimination, harassment, and violence in the workplace. Outten & Golden is dedicated to safeguarding the rights of individuals. If you suspect that you’ve been a victim of harassment, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!


(*Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)

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Case Background

LGBTQ+ individuals often find that their employers do not take reports of sexual harassment seriously and do not take appropriate measures to prevent, investigate, and stop sexual harassment.

The attorneys at Outten & Golden are experienced at advocating for clients who have experienced sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and are available to talk with you about your experience.


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Advocates Of Inclusivity

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Recent Cases

LinkSquares Inc. Overtime Case
Caicedo v. LinkSquares Inc., Case No. 24-12642 United States District Court, District of Massachusetts Filed: October 17, 2024 Outten & Golden LLP and Fair Work P.C. represent two former sales employees of LinkSquares, which sells legal and contract management software, in a proposed…
American Airlines Racial Profiling
On May 29, 2024, Outten & Golden and our co-counsel Public Citizen filed a race discrimination lawsuit against American Airlines detailing a horrific incident of racial profiling against Black male passengers. We are proud to represent these plaintiffs as part of our commitment to advancing…
Napoleon et al. v. Meltwater News Inc.
Two former Meltwater Growth Executives filed a lawsuit against Meltwater alleging that Meltwater failed to pay proper overtime wages and violated other state law provisions, by misclassifying them as exempt from overtime.  Meltwater denies these allegations and the Court has not made any…

Recent Results

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25th Floor
New York, NY 10017



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Suite 1200B
Washington, DC 20005



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San Francisco, CA 94111

