“‹ “‹ “‹ “‹ “‹ “‹Over 17 long years starting long before the #MeToo movement galvanized the nation one of the most powerful banks in the country has been able to keep the lid on many embarrassing details of a high-profile gender discrimination case. A day of reckoning could be on the horizon, though, with a recent agreement between Goldman Sachs and a group of women suing the firm in that case to unseal their allegations of harassment and discrimination.
The names of the accused at the powerful investment bank will be blacked out and replaced with corporate titles, according to the agreement the two sides filed in June, but the details of their alleged actions will be unveiled for the first time. For a flavor of what’s been under wraps, consider a section of the women’s 2014 request for class certification entitled Goldman Condones the Sexualization of Women and an Uncorrected Culture of Sexual Assault and Harassment. ” Today, those words are followed by 23 black lines of redacted text. If the court approves the parties’ agreement and the two sides file the documents, the details will be disclosed for all to see as early as two weeks after the court approval.